
We are interested in your submissions! Blog entries on a wide range of topics are encouraged. We seek to highlight both scholarship and activism related to rural women, genders and sexualities. We are open to conference abstracts; a sneak-peek at an upcoming publication; a short thought piece; a book, film, or exhibit review; and more. If you have any questions about a possible topic or format, please contact us at



To get a sense of the breadth of material that we cover, we encourage you to check out these examples:

Our blog posts range from 200-2,000 words in length, and images are encouraged. We invite you to send us draft submissions or to email us with ideas for possible contributions.  If you are a new contributor, please include your CV, resume, or a brief biography explaining your expertise with your submission. Your submission will be peer reviewed by our editorial team.


Editorial Team

Cynthia Prescott, Ph.D., Editor
Associate Professor of History
University of North Dakota

Elyssa Ford, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor of History
Coordinator of the Public History & Museum Studies Program
Northwest Missouri State University

Kelly Houston Jones, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History
Austin Peay State University