In Case You Missed It


In Case You Missed It

Today we highlight some recent website posts highlighting the experiences of rural women.



“When Deb Haaland was a child, she would rise early on this state’s sun-beaten tribal land, sling a water jar around her waist and climb the mesa overlooking her pueblo.

It was as high as she ever thought she would go.

Now, she is among a historic number of Native American women running for elective office. None has ever served in Congress, but that could change this year if Ms. Haaland wins.”


https3a2f2fblogs-images-forbes-com2flaurabegleybloom2ffiles2f20182f032f12183895_911728868902966_6103497060621194693_o-1200x656“In honor of Women’s History Month, we compiled the best locations across the country that highlight the contributions of women.”



“Hamer held the committee’s attention as she spoke from memory about her eviction from the Marlow plantation and her brutal beating in the Winona jail. After less than 10 minutes she concluded: ‘If the Freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, I question America. Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, where we have to sleep with our telephones off the hooks because our lives be threatened daily because we want to live as decent human beings, in America?’”



“Before residential school, life was simple for her family in Peepeekisis First Nation. Her parents were successful farmers. “



“Only 17.49 percent of biographies on Wikipedia are of women, and the site’s top article categories relate to the military, war, and sports. To counter that pattern, the program provides training to faculty members and students on how to conduct the editing process on Wikipedia. The women’s-studies group has assembled the largest cohort of students editing Wikipedia articles through the foundation, which also teams up with other academic associations.”



“The exhibit features a fraction of the 23,000 items Caroline Schimmel has collected for more than 45 years…Schimmel began collecting narratives long before many collectors were interested in women’s history. In women’s stories of the wilderness she found both courage and desperation. “Things had to be pretty dreadful for women to leave and set out for the unknown,” Schimmel says. “In the nearly half century of gathering stories of the women who leave hearth and home, I never cease to be amazed.”




“Standing Rock has brought much-needed attention to indigenous history, indigenous historians, and issues facing native communities.”

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