Tag Archives: history

Before They Had Bootstraps: A Case Study of Intergenerational Black Women’s Activism in Rural Arkansas, 1880 – 1944

Examines the everyday activism and achievements of four generations of Black Arkansas women to cultivate and embrace homemade citizenship in their words and deeds while facing white aggression within the historical context of slavery, reconstruction, Black Codes, and Jim Crow. Continue reading

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Stolen Moments from the Ernst Farm: Letters to a Texan in the CCC

The 406-acre Ernst Farm on the outskirts of San Antonio, was almost completely operated by strong-willed rural women, as a mother, three sisters and a granddaughter make a productive farm through the Depression and World War II. Continue reading

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Activism and Advocacy in Three Women’s Organizations in New Zealand

explores activism and advocacy work and how it is rhetorically presented in three women’s organizations in New Zealand Continue reading

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Meet the Female “Drummer”     

Gary Gillman, Beer Et Seq Toronto, Ontario, Canada                  `      In North America in the late-19th and early 20th centuries, manufacturing and wholesaling firms relied on armies of traveling sales personnel to interest buyers in their product line. Their customers were typically … Continue reading

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Poor Farms and the Mythmaking of the Multitasking Woman

We talk about the strains of rural women’s lives in past tense: being isolated during a long winter on a farm, kneading bread while nursing a baby, or darning socks while rocking a cradle with a spare foot, but recently women have experienced social isolation of their own, staying home to avoid the transmission of COVID while being separated from the support of family and friends, baking bread to both pass the time and to cope with interrupted supply lines, trying to write late at night while the children sleep. Continue reading

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Home Economics Extension Bulletins: Science to Alleviate Rural Women’s Drudgery

Home economics extension bulletins would now allow rural women to improve their homes through science Continue reading

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Reflections on Sources and the Publication of My First Book

It is my sincerest desire that what I learned about women’s involvement in agricultural fairs is clearly conveyed to and appreciated by those who read my book. Continue reading

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Gender and Rural History: A Roundtable

What is the meaning, place and role of gender in both the rural past and the rural historiography? #ruralwomen #twitterstorians #aghist Continue reading

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A Countess Rural Brewer

The Countess Brewer brought pneumatic malting technology to rural Ukraine. Continue reading

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Suffrage at the Kitchen Table

[E]ven though the kitchen was seen as women’s domain, a married woman did not actually own her own kitchen table.  Nor did she have the right to profit off of the work she did at it.  Continue reading

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