Preparing for the 2018 Rural Women’s Studies Association Conference

Preparing for the 2018 Rural Women’s Studies Association Conference

The next Rural Women’s Studies Association triennial conference will be held May 17-19, 2018, at Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, USA.  In our last blog post, Cindy Prescott suggested several ways that you can help raise the visibility of rural women’s studies and the RWSA.  Today we’d like to highlight two more ways that you can get involved.

Conference Theme

We are currently in the process of selecting a theme for the 2018 conference.  We invite you to suggest possible themes.

At the RWSA business meeting in June 2015 it was suggested that “big tent” issues that cover a wide range of topics, include diversity and activists, and relate to the host University’s areas of expertise and local practitioners would be desirable.  In selecting a theme, we might also consider Ohio University’s place within Appalachia – a predominately rural region that has long been associated with coal mining and poverty.

We are seeking to develop a broad theme, which would be supported by a range of sub-themes to help potential contributors imagine how their work might fit within that broad umbrella.  Here are the suggestions that we’ve received so far:

Surviving and Thriving


Creativity and Alternative Strategies


Resource Management

Social Justice

Kitchen Table History


We welcome your suggestions.  You may comment on this blog, on the RWSA Facebook page or our twitter feed.  Email your suggestions to


.  Or join us at our next business meeting, which will be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Agricultural History Society in New York in June.


Conference Program Committee

We are also seeking volunteers to serve on the program committee for the 2018 conference.  Because the program committee reviews proposals, this is a great way to learn more about the variety of work being done in rural women’s studies.  We will elect a program committee chair or co-chairs at our business meeting at the Ag History conference in June.


For more information about RWSA and our upcoming conference, visit our website, our Facebook page, or contact:

RWSA Co-Chair: Catharine Wilson, University of Guelph,


RWSA Co-Chair: Katherine Jellison, Ohio University,


RWSA Blog Editor: Cynthia Prescott, University of North Dakota,






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