Founded in 1998 as an outgrowth of the Sixth Conference on Rural and Farm Women in Historical Perspective, the Rural Women’s Studies Association is an international association for the advancement and promotion of farm and rural women’s gender studies in historical perspective. The Association aims to encourage research, to promote existing and forthcoming scholarship, and to establish and maintain links with contemporary farm and rural women’s organizations. The RWSA aims to encourage scholars and activists from different disciplinary and professional backgrounds, countries, and cultures to communicate about their research and all other activities that are supportive of the Association’s goals.
RWSA 2024 Conference
RWSA sponsors a triennial conference that brings together scholars and activists from around the world to share research and advocacy on rural women, genders, and sexualities. We welcome public historians and archivists, graduate students, and representatives of rural organizations and communities as conference participants and members, in addition to academic scholars from diverse fields, including sociology, anthropology, literature and languages, Indigenous Studies, and history.
The 15th Triennial Rural Women’s Studies Association conference will be hosted by Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA, 15-19 May 2024.