Category Archives: New Books
What is agricultural ethics and why does it matter?
Agricultural ethics is a specific discipline for inquiry into the myriad normative issues that interpenetrate every aspect of agricultural production and food systems. As understood in the specific sense developed here, agricultural ethics matters because some unique features in the institutionalization of agricultural science and education have created gaps in the thought processes that support policy and the innovation process for agricultural technologies. Continue reading
Poor Farms and the Mythmaking of the Multitasking Woman
We talk about the strains of rural women’s lives in past tense: being isolated during a long winter on a farm, kneading bread while nursing a baby, or darning socks while rocking a cradle with a spare foot, but recently women have experienced social isolation of their own, staying home to avoid the transmission of COVID while being separated from the support of family and friends, baking bread to both pass the time and to cope with interrupted supply lines, trying to write late at night while the children sleep. Continue reading
Mindful Wandering: Nature and Global Travel through the Eyes of a Farmgirl Scientist
How does life on a farm shape the essence of a girl? Farm life teaches a girl to be mindful, to pay attention to the world around her, to be considerate of other people and creatures…While wandering the globe, I contemplate ideas of sustainability and resilience and advocate that we (especially those of us privileged enough to travel) must expand our mindful considerations to include all the other inhabitants of this beautiful Earth. Continue reading
Reflections on Sources and the Publication of My First Book
It is my sincerest desire that what I learned about women’s involvement in agricultural fairs is clearly conveyed to and appreciated by those who read my book. Continue reading
“If you can’t quit cryin’ you can’t come here no more”
Growing up, the women around me did a lot of talking, but no one heard them. Continue reading
From COVID to Comfort: New Book Explores the Role of Women and the Kitchen in Rural Life
Whether you are a foodie or a gender or food studies researcher, you will find much to savor in this unique volume. Continue reading
Backstories, RWSA’s academic cookbook
Backstories: The Kitchen Table Cookbook is the perfect amalgamation of scholarly articles juxtaposed with heartwarming family memories associated with particular foods, and yes, plenty of recipes. Continue reading
Countdown to Cookbook Launch
By embracing elements of history, rural studies, and women’s studies, this volume offers a unique perspective by relating food history with social dynamics. It is sure to inspire eclectic dining and conversations. #rwsa #rwsa2021 #foodstudies #ruralwomen #aghistory Continue reading
A few thoughts on the long woman suffrage movement on the Northern Great Plains
_Equality at the Ballot Box_ is the first volume to explore the long history of woman suffrage in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota from a regional perspective. Continue reading
Feminist Biography and the Historical Narrative
Celeste Parrish was one of the most important educational reformers that you have never heard of. Continue reading