Tag Archives: photography

Women Leading Landscape Change

Land is power. Continue reading

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Best of the Blogs: Museums of Minnesota

Many valuable collections remain undiscovered by researchers because they are held by county or local museums whose small staff and budget limit their ability to publicize and provide access to their holdings. Continue reading

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Home and Happenstance: How Chance Encounters in the Archive Can Become Sources of Invention

I didn’t know it then, but my research trajectory changed that day in 2012 when I happened upon Collier’s photos of my family. Continue reading

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A Meditation on Rural America

America remains rural at its core. Continue reading

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FarmHer – Documenting Women in Agriculture Through Photography

We have all heard people say they wish they could “turn their passion into a job”. Well that is just what Marji Guyler-Alaniz did. Continue reading

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