Tag Archives: Environmental Studies
What is agricultural ethics and why does it matter?
Agricultural ethics is a specific discipline for inquiry into the myriad normative issues that interpenetrate every aspect of agricultural production and food systems. As understood in the specific sense developed here, agricultural ethics matters because some unique features in the institutionalization of agricultural science and education have created gaps in the thought processes that support policy and the innovation process for agricultural technologies. Continue reading
Mindful Wandering: Nature and Global Travel through the Eyes of a Farmgirl Scientist
How does life on a farm shape the essence of a girl? Farm life teaches a girl to be mindful, to pay attention to the world around her, to be considerate of other people and creatures…While wandering the globe, I contemplate ideas of sustainability and resilience and advocate that we (especially those of us privileged enough to travel) must expand our mindful considerations to include all the other inhabitants of this beautiful Earth. Continue reading
Women Leading Landscape Change
Land is power. Continue reading
Going Cage Free: Using Rural History in the Classroom
The history of rural spaces … is an essential component of understanding our interconnected past and adding to our future. Continue reading