Grandmothers and Granddaughters of the RWSA: What Generation Gap?

Grandmothers and Granddaughters of the RWSA: What Generation Gap?

Nearly a year after the conference,the conversations that began at the 13th Triennial Rural Women’s Studies Association Conference are continuing to buzz. To aid in those conversations and new collaborations, we wanted to share a bibliography of work referenced in the plenary roundtable, “Grandmothers and Granddaughters of the RWSA: What Generation Gap?”.

2018-05-17 13.08.43

The roundtable participants—Jenny Barker-Devine, Sara Egge, Kathryn Engle, Emily Prifogle, and Margaret Weber—offered insights into new directions in rural women studies. They highlighted a wide range of work challenging assumptions about the theory and history of gender, sexuality, race, environment, politics, family, economics, and community and offered exciting possibilities for interdisciplinary scholarship.


The speakers referenced the following scholarship on the growing rural women’s studies canon:



What would you add to this list?

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