Tag Archives: agriculture
RWSA 2024 Conference Program
Join us May 15-19, 2024, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, for RWSA 2024! Continue reading
What is agricultural ethics and why does it matter?
Agricultural ethics is a specific discipline for inquiry into the myriad normative issues that interpenetrate every aspect of agricultural production and food systems. As understood in the specific sense developed here, agricultural ethics matters because some unique features in the institutionalization of agricultural science and education have created gaps in the thought processes that support policy and the innovation process for agricultural technologies. Continue reading
Crappy History
“[T]he modern nation-state is founded on s*&t, which seems only appropriate given the damage that nationalism has done to people and planet.” Continue reading
All Cooped Up: Gender and Chicken Industry after the Second World War
After the Second World War, the development of agribusiness exploded with unprecedented ferocity. Out of all of the changes that agribusinesses attempted to impress upon farming communities, a reorientation of gender roles may be the most profound. Continue reading
When Scholars Collaborate: New Book on Rural Women
The essays in this volume profile women whose work was embedded in specific national contexts and together they form a collective biography of women who graduated into a world that was not always prepared to welcome them into the public life that professions demanded. Continue reading