Tag Archives: girlhood

16 Days of Activism in Ogun State, Nigeria

Menstruation is a natural and biological process. It’s time we stop shaming women for it. Continue reading

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RWSA, Africa Chapter, Marks International Day of the Girl Child

RWSA’s Africa Chapter sponsored lectures, interactive sessions, and counseling and distributed sanitary towels to empower adolescent girls. Continue reading

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Young Women’s Diaries as Primary Sources for Rural Women’s History

Young Women’s Diaries as Primary Sources for Rural Women’s History Rachel Kleinschmidt My name is Rachel Kleinschmidt and I have been a member of the Rural Women’s Studies Association (RWSA) since 2009. My work has focused on unmarried women in … Continue reading

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Sources in Rural Women’s History, Part III: Finding the Rural Girls: Sources and Possibilities

[W]e can often find more than we ever dreamed was possible about the lives and concerns of rural girls. Continue reading

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New Issue of AGRICULTURAL HISTORY Highlights Rural Women’s Studies

Essays based on superb papers presented at the 2012 Rural Women’s Studies Association conference, which span time and place, appear along with an introduction in the Summer 2015 issue of Agricultural History. Continue reading

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